Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Molten Chocolate Microwave Brownie (Revisited)

Tonight, I wish that I could send you a smell...  You know, like how I can take a photograph of something wonderful and share it with you?  It isn't the real thing, just a snapshot that enables me to share a glimpse of a moment with someone else.  We can do that with photos and video and audio recordings.  But there is no way to share a whiff of my Molten Chocolate Brownie.  Sorry... I'd send one if I could!

I spent a fair chunk of time this afternoon wrestling with a rather intense craving for a brownie.  However, I'm still trying to keep my sugar intake pretty low.  So I most definitely do not need a WHOLE batch of brownies laying around and tempting me.  And I'm still avoiding wheat, dairy, soy and egg, common inhabitants of the chocolate/brownie kingdom.

Then I remembered a recipe I posted last summer for a single serving molten microwave brownie.  No dairy!  No egg!  No soy!  And I could use gluten-free flour.  It worked beautifully and I am sitting here, savoring molten chocolate-y goodness as I write.

Molten Microwave Brownie in a Mug (June 2010)

I left out the Kahlua tonight and just added some chopped walnuts.

This is wonderful and you should try it!  And you shouldn't feel guilty about it because, hey, at least you are just eating one serving!

Hope you enjoy.

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