Sunday, March 28, 2010

2 Duds and a Keeper

I have a couple of other cooking blogs that I enjoy reading and in the last week or two all three of them came up with recipes that looked fun and required very few ingredients that I didn't already have on hand. Yesterday I tried two of them...

Homemade Chai Tea (aka. Bitter, Suck-all-the-saliva-out-of-your-mouth Chai Tea)

Maple Roasted Banana Ice Cream (aka. Slimy, Gelatinous Banana Ice Cream)

See how it made my cute roommate's face turn sour?

Sigh... I guess everything can't turn out good, but I was sad when both things that I was excited about turned out pretty gross. Good thing my roommates (who I made this stuff to share with) have a sense of humor! The Chai would have been wonderful except for what had to have been a typo on the quantity of Cardamon Seeds. They are pretty bitter and overpowered all the other yummy flavors (fresh ginger, cloves, cinnamon, fresh nutmeg, etc). Next time I make it, I will use maybe 3 seeds and not a whole teaspoon...

As far as the Ice Cream, it came from a gluten-free, dairy free blog that I like, but this recipe just didn't work for me. The roasting of the bananas and the maple syrup made it brown and the consistency felt slimy in my mouth. Brown and slimy is NOT a good combination, even if the flavor itself was actually okay.

Despite failure yesterday, when I woke up at 6am this morning with my mind running in 12 different directions, I decided to get up and try my 3rd recipe. (Cooking generally mellows me out.) Finally a keeper!! This recipe for Breakfast Pizza came from one of my favorite cooking blogs and when I first read this entry, I thought the idea was brilliant. It wasn't too difficult to modify for my needs either. I used a gluten-free pizza crust mix by a brand called Namaste and a really nice sheep milk cheese that I have started getting from Whole Foods, called Pecorino Brigante.

Breakfast Pizza

Pizza crust
- If you want to make it from scratch, click on the Breakfast Pizza link above and follow her directions. If not, I think Pillsbury crescent rolls spread out into a sheet would work fabulously. Otherwise, just do whatever you want to do for the crust portion.

Cheese of your choice (The original recipe calls for Mozzarella and Parmesan. I used mostly the Brigante and a little Parmesan.)

Toppings of your choice (bacon, sausage, tomatoes, mushrooms, herbs, etc)
- I used bacon, tomato slices, shallots, basil and chives.

3-4 eggs

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.

- Prepare the pizza dough.
- Sprinkle cheese and any other non-herb toppings over the crust.
- Crack the eggs right on top.

- Season with salt and pepper.
- Bake for 10-12 minutes until the eggs are set. I checked them a couple of times by poking gently with the end of a spoon until the yolks felt firm.
- Remove from the oven and sprinkle fresh herbs on top.

Hope you all enjoy a lovely Sunday!


  1. The Breakfast pizza looks SO yummy! Before I read the ingredients I couldn't tell what the yellow blobs were. Then it dawned on me and I think I smacked my forehead. Duh!

    Glad one of the three turned out wonderful. :)

  2. Hi Jenny! This is Amber M. (I found your blog through Larae's site) This pizza looks AWESOME! Let me know how you're doing (and check out my blog - see below...)
