Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lemon Scallop Fiasco

I have come to accept the fact that an occasional fiasco is just a part of the process of cooking! I have had a couple of duds recently, hence the blog silence!

I decided to write anyway this evening because I gave my Lemon Scallops a valiant effort!

I really enjoy an occasional dinner at P.F. Chang's restaurant. My favorite dish there, hands down, is the Lemon Scallops. Scallops are one of those foods that I love to order in restaurants precisely because I never cook them for myself. However, on our last office order at Coleson Foods, I got brave and ordered myself a pound of Scallops. I spent a little time online and found another blogger who came up with a copy-cat recipe for the P.F. Changs dish that I love. Her recipe is here:

Lemon Scallops

Lets just say that as simple as that sounds, I was just not meant to fry things. I have NEVER had a successful meal that included any form of frying. My oil got too hot and started splattering and burning me and making a greasy mess of my kitchen. The outside of the scallops was mushy and not crispy. I got impatient and after doing the first 1/2 of the scallops in little batches, I gave up, didn't dip them in the egg or flour and just put them all in the pan. But they didn't brown because they were too "crowded". So I got slimy little Scallop balls. Ugh!

Sigh... It makes me laugh to write this out. My kitchen was not a pretty sight tonight!

Of the whole deal, the sauce was actually decent. I got side-tracked trying to wash up a few dishes while it simmered and the green onions overcooked and turned limp and stringy and ugly green-gray. BUT, the flavor of the sauce was actually pretty good. I might try it again sometime and just drizzle it over some kind of broiled fish.

I am convinced that the problems here were "me-related" and not recipe-related. Someone with a better knack for frying things could probably pull this off. For the future, I will allow the talented people at P.F. Changs to give me my Lemon Scallop fix!

On a side note though, I did make some yummy Gluten-Free Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies last night. Most of you who read this are not gluten-free people so I'm not planning on putting the recipe here. But let me know if you want it and I'll be happy to share. Off I go to comfort myself with a cookie and clean up my very messy kitchen...


  1. if you do ever get up the nerve to try frying again, use your cooking thermometer to monitor the temperature.

  2. Personally, I love scallops and save them as a wonderful treat when dining out! Somethings are just better when I don't cook them!
