Saturday, August 20, 2011

Chipotle Mashed Sweet Potatoes

I've never been a huge fan of the marshmallow, brown sugar, sweet SWEET sweet potatoes people do at Thanksgiving time. (With the exception, Sami, of the ones you made for our roomie Thanksgiving a few years ago. Those were amazing! But I think they had like a 1/2 cup of butter in them right? Butter makes everything amazing...)

I digress... In general, no "sweet" sweet potatoes.

But savory sweet potatoes are another story. I was introduced to those at Trinity Brewing Co about a year and a half ago via their Sweet Potatoes Fries with Rosemary and Curry Ketchup. I've been making my own version for a year or two now and that has been the extent of my sweet potato consumption.

Until a few nights ago...

I was making dinner for Jeff and I had the chicken and some salad (from my garden... makes me SO happy). If I were just feeding myself, this would be plenty. But men eat a lot. And dinner is a bigger deal to them than it is to many of us ladies. I'm being educated on this currently: No popcorn for dinner. No "how about some lunch meat and goat cheese and a few carrots with hummus". No apple and peanut butter. No cheese and crackers and a glass of wine. Well, I'm told the wine is okay but it needs a real meal to go with it. So, all of that to say, when I'm "on" for dinner, I have to make real food. And I don't actually mind this. It gives me a great chance to play around with new recipes.

I digress again... (Sorry, feeling "wordy" this morning)

I had chicken and salad and also a couple sweet potatoes on hand. I did a search on savory mashed sweet potatoes and came up with this super easy recipe. Jeff loved it and so did I! If anything, the leftovers were even better the next day. And with no added cream or milk and only a tiny bit of butter, this is quite healthy. Hope you enjoy!

Chipotle Mashed Sweet Potatoes
(makes about 4-5 servings)

3 regular-sized sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 T butter (I use ghee because it tastes like butter but is actually lactose free!)
1-3 whole canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce (start with one and increase according to your tolerance for spice - I used 2)
2 tsp of the canned adobo sauce (again, just adjust to taste)
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt

- Steam cubed sweet potatoes until soft.
- Mash together with remaining ingredients, adjusting to taste.

These are great because you get the "sweet" naturally from the potato and that blends really nice with the smoky/spicy from the chipotles and adobo sauce. Yum!!! I still have some leftover and am thinking about using it to make some sweet potato pancakes for breakfast with a little caramelized onion and goat cheese on top...

Happy Saturday :)

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm! I love sweet potatoes! I do admit to having a favorite 'sweet' sweet potato recipe...and it does have almost a cup of butter...and brown sugar...and pecans...I can't wait for Thanksgiving. ;) BUT...about a year ago I discovered this recipe: Maybe you could adjust it to your way of eating...they really are addicting, and it's a vegetarian meal that Brett heartily welcomes!
