Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What NOT to do if you are feeling impatient over hard boiled eggs...

I learned a valuable lesson this morning about what not to do if you discover that your hard boiled eggs are undercooked. I was hungry (and therefore cranky) and this lead to impatience which caused me to prematurely remove my hard boiled egg from the boiling water so that I could eat it. I had trouble peeling it and about 1/2 way through realized that it was not cooked at all in the center. I figured that the microwave would be the easiest way to finish cooking it quickly. I put it in for 30 seconds and nothing happened. It was still obviously squishy in the center. I put it in for another 30 seconds, but it never made it. Right about 20 seconds there was a loud "POP" and the microwave shut off. I opened the microwave door and, yes, there were teeny, tiny pieces of egg "guts" splattered everywhere! My little egg had exploded.

So the moral of the story is: Do not try to microwave an undercooked hard boiled egg. And also, if you are hungry and cranky and impatient, just eat an apple or a piece of cheese or something quick and don't mess with hard boiling eggs at all!


  1. I'm sorry about your blown up egg!! Hopefully it didn't smell bad. :)

  2. ha, ha! i bet that was fun to clean up. did it make you even more cranky, or did you laugh?
