Tuesday, May 4, 2010

All Moved In!

Well, I am all moved in! Literally, all my boxes and "stuff" is IN the apartment, although it will not be all unpacked for a little while. Just getting me IN was no small feat!

Interesting side note... I just looked up the word "feat" in the dictionary to see if I was spelling it correctly. This is the Webster definition: "An achievement that requires great courage, skill or strength." This is actually a perfect description of my move! Although the great courage, skill & strength came more from a couple good friends and my dad, than from me. I spent most of Sunday in a state of fidgety, anxious hovering.

Saturday went great! It was designated as my "moving-boxes-and-painting-the-livingroom" day. Everything went smoother and quicker than I expected and I was thrilled with the way that the paint turned out. Sunday was my "move-the-furniture" day and it was much more difficult. Aside from the fact that it decided to rain/snow, my new apartment takes up the full 3rd floor of one of these old Victorian houses downtown. The stairway measures 28 inches across and had several tight turns! On paper and in theory, all of my furniture was supposed to fit. But when it came down to it, we had some issues.

Who were the heroes of the day? It was my dad (of course - he's always my hero!) and two friends, Tarah and Chris. These lovely ladies just happen to be black-belts in Tae Kwon Do. It would never have crossed my mind to recruit movers with skills in the martial arts, but they completely saved the day! First of all, the box spring for my bed wouldn't fit around a corner. They had tried every which way and we had come to the conclusion that I would have to go without it and trash the current one, since there was no where to store it. Normal people would come to such conclusions. But women with Tae Kwon Do skills apparently see options hidden to the rest of us common folk. Chris calmly asserted that she could break it in such a way that we could bend it around the corner. The box spring is made up of 2x4's!! What woman calmly announces that she can break a 2x4 and scoffs at me when I tell her not to hurt herself. Well, she totally did it! A few fancy kicks and she had broken my box spring in just the right places so that it bent beautifully around the corner and virtually sailed up the stairs into my bedroom. (I am exaggerating on that last part, of course. But it was just SO cool that it deserves a tiny bit of exaggeration!). And best yet, it still works quite well under my mattress. I haven't noticed a bit of difference.

Then later in the afternoon, I discovered that when my crew and I were painting the window sills on Saturday, we had accidentally painted the windows shut. I almost had a small meltdown here because I am already a bit nervous about roasting in the summer time on the 3rd floor of an old house without air conditioning. These ladies fixed this too! They just tapped around the edges of the window and then used brute strength to lift them up.

Totally incredible! I have a pictures of us with the box spring. It is to their credit that it won't look very broken in these pictures. She only broke the necessary part.

Anyway, that is that. I am feeling super cared for and watched over by the Lord! Other than a small hole in the wall from the leg of one of my couches (which my gracious land lord has already patched) and a nice bruise on my head where I zonked myself with a lamp, there was no damage or injuries and I am quite happily getting myself settled in my new nest.

Thanks to those of you who were praying for me this weekend. I have one more room to paint and a few things to hang on the walls and then I will post a little picture tour. The End.


  1. I can't wait for the pictures! I'm sure it's not the first hole the landlord has patched in the tiny stairway! I wonder if he figures that sort of thing into the rental price for the third floor apartment? :)

  2. Woohoo!!! I loved being the hero, and laughing hysterically at the pics and your description of the day. :) I'm so glad to be the co-hero-of-the-day!

  3. Yay! I can't wait to see pixs!

  4. Amazing. You are such a descriptive writer.
