Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Attack of the exploding BBQ sauce bottle...

A few nights ago I was moseying along, pulling some dinner together for Jeff and I and enjoying the evening. Just about 5 minutes before dinner was set to be ready, I was setting my table and decided to shake my bottle of barbeque sauce, since it hasn't been used in several months. Can you guess what happened??

Yep! The top was not screwed on and barbeque sauce exploded all over me and the light gray carpet in my little dining room!

And what happened next demonstrates exactly why Jeff is good for me. I squealed and stressed and sort of froze up because I didn't know what to do about all that sauce on the carpet. Jeff, on the other hand, just calmly went to my laptop and Google'd "how to get barbeque sauce out of carpet". Up came the instructions and he went to work while I fluttered uselessly around the kitchen. 10 minutes later, there was not a spot to be seen on my carpet! It was actually pretty amazing.

So in case your bottle of barbeque sauce ever gets put away without the lid screwed on and you happen to shake it over light gray carpet, here is what you do:

1. Use the dull edge of a butter knife to lightly scrape the excess sauce off the top of the carpet.
2. Add about a 1/4 tsp of laundry detergent (or just a quick quirt) to about 1 liter of cold water and stir.
3. Moisten a paper towel with the cleaning liquid and lay it over the stain.
4. Use the bottom of a spoon to gently press down on the paper towel. Gradually work your way all over the towel, starting on the outside and working your way toward the center in a spiral to prevent spreading the stain. This process works the solution into the carpet without rubbing the stain in or damaging the carpet fibers.
5. Dab some clean water over the stain and blot (NOT rub) with a clean dry towel to remove any remaining liquid.


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