Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy Lips

I lived in Southern CA for a full 22 years. For my first two years in Colorado, my skin seemed to retain some residual moisture from those 22 years. Then slowly, every year after that, my skin has started to become more and more dry. This year, my lips seem to have taken the hardest hit and have been in a perpetual state of CHAPPED since November. Mine were a very unhappy set of lips, despite some very creative efforts on my part to help them!

Having become slightly obsessed with making my own bath products over the last few weeks, I started following a blog with bath recipes and last weekend I tried a recipe for homemade Vanilla Butter Lip Balm. After a week of "test-driving", my lips are super excited to announce that this is completely wonderful stuff!

If you live in the Colorado Springs area, you can get all of these products at Vitamin Cottage (along with fun little tins or glass pots to put it in!) You can also order the ingredients and the containers on but the price of shipping makes it less cost effective.

Vanilla Butter Lip Balm

1 Tablespoon cocoa butter (shaved or cut into small pieces)
1 Tablespoon bees wax (shavings or pearls)
1 Tablespoon almond oil
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

- In a liquid measuring cup with a pouring spout, melt the cocoa butter, wax and almond oil together, stirring occasionally.
- Mix in the vanilla extract.
- Pour into containers (depending on the size of your container, this will make 2-4 containers)
- Once it cools, it is extremely firm and so I have been drawing my finger nail across it to get a little clump and then rubbing that into my lips.

And finally, in celebration of a set of lips that are feeling very happy once again, I have a treat for you. When I was thinking about this blog entry, somewhere in the back of my nanny/babysitter/sunday-school-teaching/child-loving brain, I thought I remembered a Veggie Tales Silly Song about lips. I Google'd it and found what I remembered:

Silly Songs with Larry: I Love My Lips!

I know it might be a tiny bit dorky, but I love Veggie Tales! I promise, if you happen to be feeling at all grumpy at this moment, "I Love My Lips" will perk you right up! And it might inspire you to go make some lip balm and start singing I Love my Lips!


  1. I made up some of the lip balm last night...LOVE IT! I used vitamin E oil instead of almond oil and it works like a charm. Thanks for the tip!

  2. that veggietale song is from "dave and the giant pickle". are you going to bring me some of that lip balm in march? my lips have been super chapped lately, too, and i still live in CA.

  3. Yes! You are my sister so you get special privileges! I'll bring you one of everything I have made so far: Body Butter Cream, Body Butter Bar, Lip Balm and Whipped Shea Butter Sugar Scrub (my personal favorite)
