Thursday, January 21, 2010

The kitchen sneaks into my bathroom...

I had a friend over on Monday night and a conversation occurred that I have often. We were visiting in the living room in my basement and she asked to use my bathroom. Upon exiting the bathroom, she looked super puzzled. "Jenny, WHY do you have honey in your shower?" I gave her my standard and very enthusiastic reply and I am pretty sure I made another convert. (I have several walking around out there!) Upon later reflection, realized I have several trusty kitchen products in my bathroom. I thought I would share with you all a few new uses for stuff in your pantry.

DISCLAIMER: This stuff works for me in a Colorado (7K feet above sea level and so dry it sucks all the moisture out of your skin) climate. I have no idea how it would work for those of you who live in other places where the climate is kinder to your skin...

- HONEY: Yes, I keep honey in my shower and I wash my face with it every morning. I started doing this about 3-4 years ago when a friend gave me an article that described honey as a natural face cleanser because of its moisturizing and anti-microbial properties. It is not nearly as messy as you might imagine as it rinses off easily with warm water. Occasionally in the evenings if I have time, I will put it on my face dry and let it sit for 15-20 minutes like a mask. Otherwise I just wet my face, rub it on, smack my lips a little bit to enjoy the taste, and then rinse. Pretty much any form of soap makes my face really dry, so this is a happy and inexpensive option for me.

- OLIVE OIL: I also keep a little jar of extra virgin olive oil in my drawer near the sink and I use it in several ways. In the shower, I will mix it with a little SUGAR(which is also in a tub in the drawer) and exfoiliate with that mix. Or I might rub a little onto my skin before drying off. It makes a wonderful moisturizer and soaks in beautifully. I also mix it 1/2 and 1/2 with castor oil (found in the pharmacy section at a walmart/target or at a natural foods store) and use that as a cleanser on my face in the evenings. I know it sounds counter-intuitive to wash your face with an oil, but again, I read an article, was intrigued, tried it and have been really happy with the results. If you would like to read this article, see the link below. You might be surprised how much sense it makes.

Oil-Cleansing Method

- BAKING SODA: I have a little tub of this in the drawer too and use it on canker sores or blemishes. It can be a little tricky to get this in your mouth if you have a canker sore and it will hurt like the dickens and make you dance around and whimper! But it will take care of that darn canker sore within a day or two and I for one would rather have a few minutes of dancing and squealing as opposed to the longer option of letting it do its thing naturally. With blemishes, I will make a little paste and use it before bed. However, I don't recommend doing that for more than two days in a row on one spot because it will start to irritate the skin.

I think that is all my tips for now. If I stumble across more, I will let you all know.

Happy Friday Eve!


  1. I have a remedy I got from an old friend for the sore throat, but can't stop coughing thing. mix up some salt water with a good dose of cayenne pepper and gargle. Let it get down deep in the throat, especially the parts that are irritated. when you breathe after that, every breath burns a bit more of the itchies out all the while you're dancing about the bathroom and you'd be cussing if you could speak but it works! Definitely not for the faint of heart. The burn only lasts for a few minutes, and its very relieving to have that nasty itch and hurt go!

  2. Wow! I'll make a mental note of that one. Thanks :)

  3. I tried the olive oil on my face today. I mixed it with some almond oil because that is what I had in the house.

    I tried it this morning. It was good. I still have some dryness on top but I don't feel it underneath the skin. It's usually the reverse when I use my regular skin care products. I look forward to seeing how this works long term.

    Thanks for sharing these great ideas with me. :)
