Monday, February 17, 2014

Braided Calzone

I have a confession...

I don't like Pinterest.  I don't know a single other member of the female species that doesn't love Pinterest.  But I really don't.  While it seems to inspire most women to new heights of domestic and culinary creativity, it totally overwhelms me with amazing ideas that I'll never have time or talent to accomplish and images of home, fashion, hair, etc that I can never live up to.  So I mostly pass on it.

But every once in a while, in a moment of desperate restlessness or boredom, I go back on my former opinion, and take a peek.  The peek doesn't usually last long.  I get overwhelmed super fast.

But the other day, during one of these Pinterest "peeks" I did see an idea that I wanted to try.  It was a braided calzone.  I've been working on my homemade pizza skills for the last several months and this seemed like a really fun variation.  So tonight when my sweet friend, Julia, came over for dinner, I whipped up one of these:

Roll out your dough.  Homemade is awesome.  Store-bought would probably be pretty awesome too.

Load your fillings down the middle.  These are my pizza favorites: chicken sausage, mushrooms, olives, artichoke hearts and roasted garlic.

Using clean scissors, cut strips in the sides and then braid that baby all the way down.
(Yes, I know that is a lot of cheese.  Don't judge me.)

I brushed mine with some olive oil and then sprinkled with coarse salt, garlic powder, oregano & a little Parmesan cheese.  Bake at 400 F for about 25 minutes until nice and toasty brown.  Let it sit for about 10 minutes before slicing.

This turned out really delicious!  I served it with some marinara sauce for dipping and a salad and it made a fast and tasty dinner.  You could have a lot of fun with different fillings too.  

So I guess the moral of the story is that Pinterest does have some good stuff and if I just take it in tiny peeks, I can make it out the other end with my sanity still in tact and a good recipe or two :)

Have a good evening!

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